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Dress Code


The dress code at Karis Academy is an essential component of our commitment to providing a classical and respectful learning environment. We appreciate the cooperation of our students, parents/guardians, and staff in upholding these standards.

Purpose: The dress code at Karis Academy is designed to promote a respectful and focused learning environment, instill a sense of pride and belonging within the school community, and prepare students for a professional and classical education setting.

General Guidelines:

  1. Uniforms: Students are required to wear uniforms daily during regular school hours. Uniforms should be clean, well-maintained, and in good condition. Uniform options will be provided to parents/guardians.

  2. Grooming and Personal Hygiene: Students are expected to always maintain proper grooming and personal hygiene standards.

Specific Dress Code Requirements:

  • Tops: Collared shirts or blouses in school colors (with the school logo, if applicable) are required. Shirts should be tucked in at all times.

  • Bottoms: Students may wear khaki, navy blue, or black pants, shorts, or jumpers. All bottoms should be of appropriate length.

  • Footwear: Closed-toe shoes are required. Sandals, steel toe boots, flip-flops, and excessively high heels are not permitted.

  • Outerwear: While indoors, students must remove outer jackets, coats, and hoodies. These items should be stored in designated areas.

  • Accessories: Jewelry and accessories should be minimal and non-disruptive to the learning environment.

  • Hats: Hats and head coverings should not be worn inside the school building.

Exceptions and Special Days:

  • For Knight Day, students may wear Knight spirit wear (subject to specific guidelines communicated in advance).

Enforcement: The administration and faculty at Karis Academy are responsible for enforcing the dress code policy. Students found in violation of the dress code may be subject to appropriate consequences, including but not limited to warnings, parent/guardian notifications, or temporary suspension from school until the dress code is adhered to.

Parent/Guardian Support: We encourage parents and guardians to support the dress code policy by ensuring their child's compliance and providing appropriate clothing. Karis Academy may offer resources or assistance to families in need of uniforms.

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